Browsing for posts tagged collard greens.

Collard Greens with Pan-fried Radishes

Collard Greens with Pan-fried Radishes

Recently we signed up for Organics to You, a local organization that delivers organic produce (mostly local, farm-grown) straight to your doorstep. Part of the reason we wanted to sign up for this service is also a bit of a challenge: we have no idea how to cook many of the contents they deliver.

This recipe, after just one try, has already become a new favorite. While we had had collard greens before, we didn’t know a good recipe to cook them at home. Also, neither of us could even recall eating radishes, let alone cooking them!

After some searching in recipe books and blogs, we tried a make-shift recipe trying out some suggestions that sounded good from various sources. The result was an amazingly delicious, interesting recipe combining the bitterness of the greens (any greens could be used here, not just collards) and the semi-sweet tinge of radishes. The … Read more…